A Letter to My Constant Companion :: My iWatch


Dear iWatch,

I love you. And I love the way we’re constantly attached at the proverbial hip (i.e. wrist). I also love how good you look all dressed up (JORD iWatch band, WADDUP). I would feel lost without you! No buzz, no beep, no rat tat tat melodies to remind me of your constant connectedness would leave me haunted with the ghosts of vibrations past. You keep me on track! You encourage me to be active, reminding me of my daily goals and continue to coach me through my good days and bad (i.e. you meet your move goal 2 / 7 times last week - do better this week)! You bring out my competitive side - I’m constantly challenged by friends and family to get active. It keeps me motivated!

BUT. Sometimes our closeness causes a borderline claustrophobia in my chest.




“Let’s talk about something fun!”


“Check out the latest headlines!!”

The constant whirl of connectedness can come with a side-effect of dizziness and a nagging anxiety to hustle, HUSTLE, HUSTLE!

We have a unique relationship. You help me stay connected; yet, you keep me connected whether I want to be or not. In truth, I would miss your cheery beeps and buzzes. Let’s keep working on our relationship, my constant companion.

Buzz & rat tat tat,


P.S. If you want a chance to win a JORD iWatch band, follow THIS LINK to my giveaway!
