6 MUST HAVE International Travel Items


Traveling internationally is a full spectrum JOURNEY. A journey of preparation / packing (i.e. multiple trips to Target, last minute shopping sprees), a journey of emotions (excitement, stress, MORE EXCITEMENT), a physical journey (obviously), and a mental journey (i.e. daydreaming at work of your trip, making sure you’re organized and ready to go for all travel).

And to make sure you’re as prepared as possible to hit the ground running when you arrive at your destination, packing the essentials is ESSENTIAL. On my last international trip, I packed a couple of items that ended up being crucial to my comfort on the plane ride + travel while on the trip.


  1. Eye cover. I would have been SOL if I had forgotten this GEM of an invention. It was critical to helping me sleep on the plane ride over to Europe (our plane kept the cabin lights on the majority of the trip).

  2. USB power converters. These are the exact converters I used for my trip - I love them because outlets can sometimes be few and far in between whilst traveling. These converters are small (makes for easy packing) and I’m able to plug in my phone and my iWatch at the same time.

  3. Packing cubes. CONFESSION: I did not use these on my trip, BUT I WISH I HAD. All of my girlfriends had their suitcases majorly organized with their packing cubes #jealous And, not only do they help with organization, but also with creating a bit of extra space with the compression factor.

  4. Neck pillow. I did some RESEARCH on travel pillows and decided to go with the TRTL. It acts as a neck brace, so it’s easier to fall asleep while sitting up (AKA: while on a plane). It’s lightweight, easy to pack and kind of looks like a scarf when you put it on. I did also see someone with THIS inflatable neck pillow and it looked pretty cozy. You blow up the pillow and it acts almost as a face rest (imagine lying down on a massage table but for an airplane).

  5. Portable charger. You don’t ever want to get stuck on an old plane without USB charging ports for 8 hours. This essential will keep ya GOIN. Plus, it’s crucial to carry with you as you explore the city (for all the picture + video taking).

  6. A GOOD water bottle. HYDRATE, HYDRATE, HYDRATE. I take my hydro flask EVERYWHERE, especially when I’m walking around and exploring cities. I was able to fit it inside my backpack while in Portugal (along with all of my other stuff). Plus, it’s great to have your own stash of water while on the plane.

For more travel adventures / advice, follow along on my Instagram!