10 Books I Can't Wait to Read in 2023

I won my first Gameboy Color in the 2nd grade. My elementary school hosted a “read-a-thon” every year, where they would offer the latest and greatest prizes for the most pages read. And every year I was one of the top readers in the school. I love to read but I won’t pretend winning a Gameboy Color wasn’t a great motivator. As I progressed through my years as a middle, high school and college student, reading for pleasure often fell to the wayside in lieu of study and social time.

Opelika Public Library opened their new building in 2021, and I (after realizing how much Amazon book purchased racked up my credit card bill) decided to sign up for a library card. Since then, I’ve checked out almost $2,000-worth of books! If you don’t have a local library card, I would highly encourage signing up for one. My friend group are all (amazingly) avid readers. I lean heavily on their book recommendations and we often chat about our favorite reads.

One of my “resolutions” of 2023 is to be more diligent about tracking my reads in Goodreads and trying to finish one book per month. After collecting some literary recommendations, I’ve created a list of books I’m excited to read in 2023. Fingers crossed I can maintain the motivation to read without the lure of a Gameboy Color hanging in front of me.