First Time Home Buyer :: A Sneak Peek into our Building Process


Deciding to purchase a home is a HUGE commitment. Financially, you’re investing a good chunk of your money into an asset. Emotionally, you’re deciding to plant some roots. Physically, you’re pledging to take responsibility of your home in terms of upkeep (home improvements, yard care, repairs, decor, etc.). George and I had been discussing the idea of building a home in Auburn since our engagement. We kept flipping the proverbial coin, trying to make the best decision for our future. After a lot of back and forth, my mother said, “Hope. A home is an INVESTMENT in the future of your family.” And that just about stopped me in my tracks.

A month later, George and I signed a contract to start building just outside of Auburn city limits.

As of today, we are less than a month away from our closing date. Throughout this process, George and I have learned a TON and we’ve been able to grow as a couple. Watching the house transform from a plot of land into a slab of concrete with a 2x4 maze of walls, to the installation of the light fixtures and appliances has been a journey in patience and wonder. Driving over to the house on a random Tuesday to see if the subcontractors have installed backsplash reminds me of running at a dead sprint to the Christmas tree on Christmas morning. Giddy with toe tapping excitement (with the occasional freak out when you remember exactly how many dollars are about to leave your bank account).

A few big things we’ve learned throughout this process.

  1. No one is more invested in your home than YOU. Communication between three parties (the realtor team, home builder and ourselves) proved to be a bit tricky. George and I had to catch a couple of things that fell through the cracks early on. Everyone gets busy! Keep close tabs on everything. If something seems a little off, ASK QUESTIONS.

  2. When choosing your loan officer, you should walk out of that first meeting feeling like you know EXACTLY where you stand. When George and I started shopping around for different loan options, we walked out of our first meeting incredibly confused (which caused some panic). THEN, we found Will at CMG Financial. Will broke EVERYTHING down for us in an Excel sheet so we knew EXACTLY where each penny would go. He was patient enough to explain the entire process, broke down a number of different options (with all the pros and cons) and was kind enough to work with us through the ever-dynamic COVID climate. Find yourself a Will.

  3. Be flexible with your closing date. It’s going to change. My best friend works in commercial construction and advised me to count on at least one month of extra build time (due to weather, product shipping delays, COVID, etc.). Our closing date was originally set for the end of June and was moved to the end of July. Thankfully, our builder has done a good job with communicating all of the changes with us!

  4. Patience is definitely a virtue. The builders know what they’re doing. Trust the process and let it happen. Once you let yourself go with the flow (AKA not constantly checking to see if plumbing has been installed), it’s a lot more enjoyable!

Some of my favorite moments / memories throughout the process …

  1. Seeing our slab of cement for the first time. George and I ran over to the house from his apartment to see what felt like the first big step in the process. WE HAD A FOUNDATION! Never in my life would I have imagined being so excited about a slab of cement.

  2. Our first drink on the back patio. George and I poured ourselves a bourbon (Nunnelley tradition) on the back patio after the wrapping went up. We sat there (on the ground) and talked about how it would be the first of many.

  3. Writing bible verses on the walls during our first walk-through. We were encouraged by our realtor to look up verses prior to our walk-through with the project manager (definitely something I love about a small town). George and I took turns writing verses on the 2x4s, praying over our new home.

  4. After drywall went up, George and I walked around to each room and tried to visualize how we would decorate. This couch here, my desk there, bed against this wall, etc. We were SO excited to finally be able to picture our house more as a home (vs. a construction zone).

We couldn’t be more excited to finally move in to our HOME! Building a house together has definitely challenged us as a team (in the best ways!) and has been such a fun process. If you have questions about a new home build or the process, please reach out! We’re happy to share more about our personal experiences.



CABINETS! We were so excited when these were installed.

CABINETS! We were so excited when these were installed.



George and I writing bible verses on our walls.

George and I writing bible verses on our walls.

Snapped during our initial walk-through.

Snapped during our initial walk-through.

A fresh coat of paint was just added in this picture!

A fresh coat of paint was just added in this picture!

One of the verses we chose to write on our walls.

One of the verses we chose to write on our walls.

Our first drink on the back patio!

Our first drink on the back patio!

Stained shutters + brick additions

Stained shutters + brick additions

One of the final stages - preparing for landscaping.

One of the final stages - preparing for landscaping.